David Martin, Writer
Amarillo Boy
Photo © by Wyatt McSpadden, another Amarillo boy
Where you’re from can say a lot about who you are.
I’m a fifth-generation Texan, born in Amarillo and raised there in the 1960s.
A few things you should know about growing up in Amarillo:
The weather tries to kill you.
The endless plains mess with your perspective.
Chicken fried steak, smoked brisket, tacos, and iced tea are the four food groups.
Cowboy is a legitimate career choice. So is atomic bomb builder.
In other words, it’s a great place to be from.
But you’d expect me to say that. After all, I’m an Amarillo boy.
Here's something to ponder:
That Terrible Christmas
It was dark, and it was cold, and it was Christmas Eve. Instead of being home with my family, I was working late. Not because my boss was a Scrooge…at least I hope not, because I’m self-employed. I was working late on Christmas Eve because I didn’t know what else to...

If you grew up here,
you might be like this too.

Occasionally I have thoughts.
Sometimes I write them down.

I’d love to hear from you.